Iran Aikido Arai Dojo, grand seminar and demonstration
Iran Aikido Arai Dojo, grand seminar and demonstration in the sports complex qavamin on the 10 th 11th. November of 2016 With all Aikidokas from all around the country. Besides practice and demonstrations, planning for the international test was also carried out by Reza Samadi Sensei under the supervision of Kohe Yuasa Shihan.
On the first day of the seminar, in addition to the technical updates, a test preparation practice was also conducted for all participants, and all of the techniques were reviewed and the students’ problems were solved.
On the second day, all the aikidokas from all levels and dojos, practiced the techniques with the help and teachings of Kohe Yuasa Shihan and Samadi Sensei and finally, the international Dan test was conducted under their supervision.